Issues Facing Texas

I understand that the challenges across the sweeping landscapes of Texas are as varied and multifaceted as the state itself. My commitment is to the pursuit of lasting solutions through unwavering dedication I promise to tackle these pressing issues head-on upon election. Join me on this journey toward a brighter, more resilient Texas.

Abortion Rights/Bodily Autonomy  

Ken Paxton and the Texas ultra-MAGA republicans have made our state hostile to women of childbearing age. Access to abortion is a crucial component of reproductive healthcare, embodying the fundamental right to bodily autonomy. I firmly believe that such decisions should be made by individuals in consultation with their healthcare providers, free from government interference.

In a democratic society, the government should not enact laws that regulate or restrict an individual’s autonomy over their own body. Upholding the right to make personal choices about reproductive health not only respects individual freedoms but also recognizes the diverse circumstances and values of each person. It is imperative that we advocate for a society that prioritizes bodily autonomy, fostering an environment where individuals can make informed decisions about their reproductive health without unnecessary external constraints.

Healthcare/ Medicaid Expansion

Texans deserve affordable quality healthcare, including preventive care, wellness care and mental health care. In a democratic society, the well-being of every individual is paramount. Accessible healthcare is not just a matter of compassion but a fundamental right. Texas, with its diverse population, must prioritize Medicaid expansion to bridge the gap for hardworking citizens who lack affordable healthcare options. It’s not just a moral imperative; it’s an economic investment. Medicaid expansion ensures a healthier workforce, reducing the strain on emergency services and fostering economic growth. Let’s embrace the democratic values of equality and opportunity by expanding Medicaid in Texas.

Immigration and Border Control

The immigration and border control issue demands a balanced approach in a democratic society. Policies should acknowledge diverse migration motivations, uphold human rights, and ensure fair treatment. While border control is crucial for national security, it must be executed with respect for human dignity, avoiding measures that result in family separation or neglect vulnerable populations.

Comprehensive immigration reform, focusing on legal pathways, community integration, and addressing root causes, is essential. Policies grounded in empathy, fairness, and democratic values can navigate complexities while respecting individual rights and security concerns.

Public Education and Teacher Retention

Public education and teacher retention are crucial for a flourishing society. In a democracy, ensuring quality education involves valuing and retaining skilled educators. Adequate compensation, professional development, and supportive work environments are vital for teacher retention, promoting stability in schools and enhancing the learning experience for students.

Introducing vouchers, however, is a problematic idea. Vouchers can divert funding from public schools, exacerbating resource disparities and impacting teacher retention. It’s essential to prioritize policies that strengthen public education and support teachers for the benefit of our shared future.

Gun Safety Reform and Red Flag Laws

Gun safety reform, including red flag laws, is crucial for balancing individual rights and public safety in a democracy. Red flag laws provide a legal means to temporarily remove firearms from those deemed a threat, respecting due process. These measures align with democratic principles by prioritizing community safety and responsible gun ownership.

Supporting sensible gun safety policies ensures the coexistence of Second Amendment rights and efforts to prevent gun violence. Upholding democratic ideals involves finding common ground that safeguards both individual liberties and the well-being of the community.

Economic Growth Through Small Businesses

Fostering economic growth through small businesses is vital for a thriving Texas. In our democratic state, supporting local entrepreneurs with policies that reduce barriers, enhance access to capital, and provide targeted support is key. Small businesses are not just economic engines; they are essential for community development, driving innovation and strengthening the social fabric throughout Texas. By championing policies tailored to the Texan business environment, we contribute to a more vibrant and inclusive economy, benefiting individuals, communities, and the Lone Star State as a whole.

Environmental Preservation

Preserving Texas’s environment, including waterways, forests, and natural habitats, is essential for our well-being and the prosperity of future generations. As stewards of this diverse and ecologically rich state, it’s our responsibility to enact policies that ensure sustainable resource management, safeguard water quality, and protect the unique ecosystems that make Texas so special. By prioritizing environmental preservation, we not only nurture our state’s natural beauty but also promote a healthier, more resilient Texas for all.

Housing Affordability

Addressing housing affordability in Texas is crucial for ensuring that all residents have access to safe and affordable homes. By implementing policies that encourage responsible development, promote affordable housing initiatives, and address the diverse needs of our communities, we can work towards creating a Texas where everyone has a place to call home. Housing affordability isn’t just an economic issue; it’s a fundamental aspect of building inclusive and thriving communities throughout the state.

Investing in Texas’ Infrastructure

Investing in and maintaining Texas infrastructure is key to fostering economic growth, ensuring public safety, and enhancing overall quality of life. From roads and bridges to utilities and public facilities, a well-maintained infrastructure is the backbone of a prosperous state. By prioritizing infrastructure development, we not only create jobs and stimulate the economy but also build a foundation for sustained growth and resilience in the face of future challenges. It’s essential to advocate for strategic investments and policies that keep Texas infrastructure robust, efficient, and capable of meeting the evolving needs of our dynamic communities.

Do you have an issue in House District 106 that I need to address or can help solve in our next session?

©2024 Hava Johnston for Texas House District 106. Paid for by Hava Johnston for HD106 Campaign.